Holy Week & Easter
At MVPC we love to celebrate and remember Jesus' last days leading up to His resurrection from the grave. We invite you to make plans to join us for a variety of events happening during Holy Week and Easter. Be sure to mark your calendar so you do not miss out!
Lenten Shared Devotional
Beginning on Ash Wednesday you are invited to participate in a routine of prayers and shared devotion. We will be using the book, God is on the Cross, which is comprised of a selection of writings by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Each week there will be an insert in the bulletin and online outlining one of these devotions for the upcoming week with which we encourage you to engage with others.
There will also be prayer suggestions throughout the week which invite you to pray for the persecuted church and the persecutors.
Rather than the usual giving up of a valued habit or luxury (like chocolate or television) for the Lenten season, consider giving up some of your time to connect with one or more others to consider the featured devotion from the bulletin and online.

Lent Sermon Series
As we journey thru the Lenten season, join us each Sunday as our Pastors share how Christ responded when He found himself in conflict with the world around Him.

The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) serves persecuted Christians in the world’s most difficult and dangerous places to follow Christ. Pastor Richard Wurmbrand and his wife, Sabina, founded VOM after being imprisoned for their Christian witness in Communist Romania. Since 1967, VOM has been dedicated to inspiring all believers to a biblical faith by telling the stories of persecuted Christians, thereby inspiring a deeper commitment to Christ and the fulfillment of his Great Commission, no matter the cost. The Voice of the Martyrs serves Christians who are persecuted for their faith in Christ in more than 70 hostile or restricted nations around the world. More than 4 million persecuted Christians receive help from VOM each year.
Though front-line workers have many needs as they advance the kingdom in hostile areas and restricted nations, their first request is always “Pray for us!” Will you partner with MVPC this lenten season and commit to praying for those being persecuted.
Voice of the Martyrs website: https://www.persecution.com/

Lenten Prayer Calendar
Palm Sunday
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
10:15 am Sunday Mornings in Sanctuary
Join us as we celebrate the triumphal entrance of Jesus to Jerusalem with palm branches and special music.
7:00 pm MVPC Life Center
​Service will include Music and Communion.
7:00 pm MVPC Sanctuary
​Service will include Music.

8:30 -10:00 am FREE Easter Breakfast
Enjoy delicious homemade offerings to make your Easter morning special.
10:15 am Worship MVPC Sanctuary
Join us in celebrating our risen Savior, Jesus Christ with joyous music and a message shared from scripture for you.
9:45 am Egg Hunt for Children
Meet at the Children's Activity Center in the Life Center by the sign with Kimberly Caldwell, Connections Coordinator.
8:30 am Find Jesus
"Sometimes, when you least expect it, you find Jesus in the most unexpected places."
Divine encounters can happen in seemingly ordinary situations, reminding us that Jesus is always present, even when we least expect him. So keep your eyes peeled around MVPC and see how many tiny JESUS figures you can find! Collect them and turn into Kimberly Caldwell for a PRIZE! OR maybe give one to someone you met and say, “Hey, I thought you might like a little Jesus in your life.” If the tiny Jesus you hand them causes them to spend one moment thinking about the real Jesus, that’s more than enough because now the Holy Spirit has an open door into someone’s soul –and that’s all the infinite, amazing, life-changing Jesus we know needs to start with. Sometimes, that tiny Jesus opens a door for you to tell someone about Jesus’s love and sacrifice.