International Missions
These are mission organizations that are all over the World. If you are interested in finding out more information regarding that organization, please click on the button to their website.

Alternative Giving at MVPC
Alternative Giving is an annual opportunity for our congregation to give the gift of life every Advent Season. Through individual donations, we can choose to build a Marion Medical Mission well so that a whole village has clean drinking water; provide free breakfasts to Malawi school children; support construction of local, affordable, safe homes through Habitat for Humanity; provide a year of food, clothing, and education for an orphaned child in Malawi; purchase chicks to help our sisters in Malawi build a sustainable egg and roaster chicken business; or a variety of other life-giving gifts, whether in our own community and abroad.
Frontier Fellowship
Frontier Fellowship was established in 1981 as a mission focus of the United Presbyterian Church. Of the 7.8 billion people alive today, more than 2 billion have never heard the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ. Frontier Fellowship’s aim is to extend the frontier, i.e., the places beyond where the Christian Church exists today. They work to witness to the least-reached people of the world, supporting efforts to establish indigenous churches that can proclaim the Gospel in local communities that have their own unique cultural context.
Compassion International is a child development ministry that pairs compassionate people with those who are suffering from poverty. The ministry releases children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty. The goal is for each child to become a responsible and fulfilled adult.
Compassion's work has grown from modest beginnings in South Korea in 1952 when American evangelist Rev. Everett Swanson felt compelled to help 35 children orphaned by the Korean conflict. Today it is a worldwide ministry where millions of children are now reaping the benefits of one man's clear, God-given vision.

Tyler & Rochelle Holm
We have been volunteering on a short-term basis in northern Malawi since 2007, which led us to be called to serve more permanently and make Malawi our home in 2012. Today, we work in partnership with Presbyterian World Mission, the CCAP Synod of Livingstonia, and Mzuzu University.We live in Mzuzu, located in northern Malawi.Tyler is a lecturer in systematic theology, Church history, and Greek at the University of Livingstonia, a private university that is part of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP). Rochelle is the Manager of the Centre of Excellence in Water and Sanitation at Mzuzu University, a government university located in Mzuzu. The Centre of Excellence in Water and Sanitation is established within the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, which is Rochelle's team working together on the water, sanitation and hygiene concerns for Malawi.
Malawi Mission Network
Malawi Mission Network PCUSA, dozens of local PCUSA churches, and other humanitarian Not-for-Profit organizations are Partners in Mission with the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) in Malawi. CCAP has 3 Synods in Malawi and the principal support is providing health care services in extremely rural areas:
Synod of Livingstonia
Livingstonia Mission Hospital
Ekwendeni Mission Hospital
Embangweni Mission Hospital
Synod of Nkhoma
Nkhoma Mission Hospital
Synod of Blantyre
Mulanje Mission Hospital
Marion Medical Mission
Community. Clean Water. Christ’s love.
Marion Medical Mission seeks to share the love of Christ with the extreme poor in Africa by providing all in need with a sustainable source of clean, safe drinking water.
Marion Medical Mission is an ecumenical, Christian, front-line, hands-on, volunteer, a non-profit organization that responds to Christ’s call to serve by working hand in hand with God’s people in Africa. 100% of all designated funds go to their designated purposes. 100% of all undesignated funds go to the mission field in Africa.
Jim McGill in Africa
Jim serves with the Evangelical Church in the Republic of Niger (EERN) and the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan (PCOSS) to ensure sustainability for clean water and sanitation at both community and user levels. He works with the church in being a strong participant in the rural development of Niger and South Sudan and an effective advocate for the health of its people.
Medical Benevolence Foundation
Transforming lives working together with the indigenous Church to build sustainable medical ministries in some of the poorest countries around the globe. Our goal is simple: To give hope and healing to the poor around the globe. We believe the best way to do that is to follow Christ’s mandate to “heal the sick and proclaim the gospel.”
The Outreach Foundation
Connecting Presbyterians to build the church's capacity to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. Connecting Presbyterians in the US with global partners in ways that strengthen the church for God’s mission.
* Outreach helps congregations build long-term partnerships with the global church that are mutually transformational.
* In Iran many Muslims are now Christ-followers through the work of the Holy Spirit and My House, My Church satellite TV ministry.
* Outreach Foundation is working in countries throughout
the world including Egypt, Brazil, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Cuba, Pakistan, China and many others.
(The Evangelical Alliance Mission)
TEAM’s Mission is “to partner with the global Church in sending disciples who make disciples and establish missional churches to the glory of God”. It partners with local churches. MVPC has recently begun supporting a wife and husband team (Yeng and Ben Schmitt) sent by TEAM to the Philippines. They serve other missionaries (primarily Asians) who are serving throughout the Philippines, including areas that are predominantly Muslim. They provide counseling resources, rest, respite care, and 2nd language acquisition coaching. They also lead indigenous Bible studies in their city.
MVPC first supported Yeng (born and raised in the Philippines) for several years when she was with Bridges Int’l, reaching out to foreign students at Colorado State University. Ben (born and raised in Loveland) was a volunteer with Bridges. 3 years ago, they decided to move to the Philippines with TEAM and now are raising their three children there.
Witnessing Ministry
K–12 Education includes buildings, transportation to school, books, lunches, clothes, health care. (Donation of $45/mo. rebuilds the lives of Dalit/Untouchables Children.)
MVPC paid for setting up a Presbytery including:
A. Education for children and pastors, B. Prayer center in each village, C. Jobs (tailoring, agriculture, etc).
Yucatan Peninsula Mission
YPM is committed to serving the needs of the Mayan/Mexican people in the Zona Maya region of the Yucatan Peninsula. Incorporated as a not-for-profit in both the US and Mexico, YPM provides opportunities for positive change to children, adults, families, and communities in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico -- through service projects, education, health care, cultural exchange, and spiritual support.